The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines the seven sacraments as “efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us. The visible rites by which the sacraments are celebrated signify and make present the graces proper to each sacrament. They bear fruit in those who receive them with the required dispositions.”
These sacraments include Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders and Anointing of the Sick.
Speaking to the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis began a series of catecheses on the Sacraments, starting with Baptism.
He said that the Second Vatican Council tells us that the Church herself is a “Sacrament”, a grace-filled sign which makes Christ’s saving work present in history, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
And speaking of Baptism, the first of the Church’s seven Sacraments, Pope Francis said “it gives us new birth in Christ, makes us sharers in the mystery of his death and resurrection, grants the forgiveness of sin and brings us new freedom as God’s children and members of his Church”.
He urged us not to forget the great gift we have received. “Our baptism has changed us, given us a new and glorious hope, and empowered us to bring God’s redeeming love to all, particularly the poor, in whom we see the face of Christ. Our baptism has also given us a share in the Church’s mission of evangelization; as disciples, we are also missionaries”
From the earliest times, children and infants were baptized and included in the church. As scriptural authority for this ancient tradition, some scholars cite Jesus’ words, “Let the little children come to me…for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs” (Mark 10:14).
The baptism of a new baby is a joyous and momentous occasion for the entire family. The Blessed Kateri Parish family celebrates this with you and wants to help our youngest members and their families to feel welcomed and very much at home. A preparation process, therefore, is offered for parents and young children to be baptized.
Paying for Baptism classes needs to be done in the Parish Office.
For infant Baptism, please contact the Laura Hall in the Parish Office at 661-296-3180 ext. 7905
Please contact Religious Education Office at 661-296-6945.
Receiving Holy Communion worthily brings us graces that affect us both spiritually and physically. Spiritually, our souls become more united to Christ, both through the graces we receive and through the change in our actions that those graces affect. Frequent Communion increases our love for God and for our neighbor, which expresses itself in action, which makes us more like Christ. Because of the intimate connection of the Sacrament of Holy Communion to our lives in Christ, we must be free of any grave or mortal sin before receiving it, as St. Paul explained in 1 Corinthians 11:27-29.
Family Formation and 1st communion program is cared for by Mindy Irwin in the Faith Formation Office. The office phone is (661) 296-6945. First Communion for adults is cared for by Deacon Terry Irwin in the RCIA Process. His number is 661-296-3180.
Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them, 'Peace be to you!' And when He had said this He showed them His hands and His side. The disciples therefore rejoiced at the sight of the Lord. He therefore said to them again, 'Peace be to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.' When He had said this, He breathed upon them, and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit; whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.' St. John (20:19-23)
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a Sacrament of Healing. The Gospels show how important the forgiveness of our sins. This sacrament offers a restoration to honesty and restoration to integrity, relief from unproductive guilt, an encounter with God, spiritual guidance, inner peace, strength in meeting future challenges and temptations, and grace.
Individual confessions are held after morning Mass monday through Friday and every Saturday from 4:00 – 5:15 p.m.
Sessions begin on January 9, 2020 meeting weekly on Thursday nights at 7:30pm – 9:00pm, in the St. Rita Room.
Sessions end on May 14, 2020
For questions or information, contact Deacon Terry Irwin at 661-296-3180.
You must be over 18 and no longer in high school to be in this class.
The Sacrament of Marriage is a beautiful covenant and mystery, strengthened by God’s love. God intended the relationship between a man and woman in marriage to mirror the love between Christ and His Church. Because of the sacredness of this union between husband and wife, Christ provided the Church with many graces that flow from the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, as a means of assisting husbands and wives to love each other with a deep and holy love.
Congratulation on your engagement! We look forward to assisting you in planning your Wedding liturgy, from readings, to music selections, to special requests such as ethnic traditions. Please contact Wedding Coordinator Maureen Dunnahoo at (661) 296-9187 or for available dates & times, and to begin the Marriage Preparation process (please see below for more information).
(For persons who are civilly married or have been married in a Christian church, synagogue or mosque, and wish to enter into a Sacramental union in the Catholic Church)
Our hearts are joy-filled by your decision to have your marriage blessed in the Catholic Church. We are pleased to assist you in planning a liturgy that meets your needs, whether you are interested in having a tradition wedding service or an intimate family gathering. In addition to the basic paperwork, you will need to provide us with a copy of your marriage license. Please contact Wedding Coordinator Maureen Dunnahoo at (661) 296-9187 or for available dates & times, and to begin the Marriage Preparation process (please see below for more information).
(For persons who have been previously married to a different party, either in the Catholic Church, in a Christian church, synagogue or mosque, or in a civil marriage, and wish to enter into a Sacramental union in the Catholic Church)
The Marriage Tribunal Ministry is one part of the Church’s effort to offer healing and hope to the victims of failed marriages. The Tribunal investigates these situations to determine whether the parties in certain instances may be free to remarry. Faithful to Catholic tradition, we believe in the dignity of marriage and the Gospel's prohibition against arbitrary and unwarranted divorce. At the same time, we live in an imperfect society in which divorce is a common reality. In accord with Canon Law, all previously married individuals (Catholic or not) have the right to seek clarification of the canonical status of their previous marriage(s). The Marriage Tribunal Minister will lovingly walk with you through this process, assisting you with the required paperwork and acting as your liaison with the Metropolitan Marriage Tribunal. Please contact Carmela (Cookie) Gunther at (661) 297-4450 or to inquire about the Marriage Tribunal process.
We encourage you to call us for an initial appointment nine to twelve (9-12) months prior to the date you wish to marry. Basic Marriage Inquiry paperwork will include the completion of paperwork by both parties, your parents or other qualified witnesses, and reprints of your baptismal certificates for all Catholic parties (other paperwork may be required, based on your situation). The basic Marriage Preparation process will include meeting with our Pastor, Father Tom Baker, meetings with a Deacon Couple, completion of the F.O.C.C.U.S. Pre-Marriage Inventory, and completion of a Catholic Engaged Encounter weekend (these requirements may vary, based on your situation). The Marriage Preparation process should be completed in the six (6) months prior to the wedding date.
In the event of a serious illness or death, please call our Emergency Sacramental Care line at (661) 586-0372. Emergency Sacramental Care may include the Anointing of the Sick or Anointing at the time of Death.
Please accept our most sincere sympathies for your loss. Our hearts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. The community of Saint Kateri Parish is here to walk with you as you arrange services for your beloved deceased. Depending on your needs and the circumstances, options for liturgical services include a Funeral Mass, a funeral outside of Mass (without the Rite of Eucharist), a memorial service, Vigil services such as the Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary, and/or a graveside internment service. Arrangements will need to be coordinated with the mortuary, mausoleum or cemetery. Please contact Parish Secretary & Bereavement Minister Laura Hall at (661) 296-3180, Ext. 7905, to begin making arrangements that will honor the life of your family member or friend.
The Bereavement Ministry of Saint Kateri Parish provides a compassionate, caring presence to those in the community experiencing or preparing for loss. Volunteers to this ministry are rewarded by serving those in the greatest need of God's compassion and love. Through Christ's love and the power of the Holy Spirit, we bring comfort as we allow ourselves to be used by Him to bring His light and love to those who are grieving. We will assist you in planning a liturgy that meets your needs, including assisting at the Funeral Mass or other liturgy, the selection of readings and music, and coordinating the details of the liturgy. We want you to know that we are here to listen and support you through this difficult time, not just for the day of the service, but also in the weeks to follow. We provide ongoing community support and outreach, including facilitating support groups and offering special celebrations and remembrance ceremonies such as the All Soul's Day Mass and the annual Widow/Widower's Mass & Brunch. Please contact Parish Secretary & Bereavement Minister Laura Hall at (661) 296-3180, Ext. 7905 for bereavement services and information on support groups.
For most people, planning our final arrangements is not something that we prepare for. However, preplanning is a very loving option which offers much peace of mind to those we leave behind. This is the best way to assure that your final wishes are considered, while lifting some of the burdens and decisions off the shoulders of your family members. Please contact Parish Secretary & Bereavement Minister Laura Hall at (661) 296-3180, Ext. 7905 for pre-need planning services.
Reception planning and resources are also available, based on Hall availability. For information on reception planning, please contact Director of Operations Jennifer Cummings-Martin at (661) 296-3180, Ext. 2452.
Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to His apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time. From the very beginning of human history, men have "acted out" their feelings towards God by means of sacrifice. From all that God had given, man would take the very best (whether it was a lamb or a bullock or fruit or grain) and offer it back to God—destroying it upon an altar to symbolize the act of giving.
No priest or deacon would or could wish for more than this extraordinary privilege of acting in persona Christi. In the sacrament of Holy Orders, Christ has provided us with an essential link to Himself. Above all else, Holy Orders makes possible the extraordinary gift of the Sacrifice of the Mass—a gift from Christ himself.
Come to our Saint Kateri Vocation Discernment Group a group of men 18 years of age or older, who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood. It provides a fraternal environment where one can pray, explore, discuss, seek guidance and support while discovering if God is calling you to become a priest. For more information, please contact Fr. Vaughn at
The Anointing of the Sick is a remarkable sign of God's great love for us. In His merciful efforts to bring us safely to Himself in heaven, God seems to have gone to the very limit.
In his Gospel, St. Mark (6:12-13) gives us an indication of this sacrament of the sick when he tells us that the apostles, going forth, "preached that men should repent, and they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many sick people, and healed them."
Please contact our Parish Office to schedule an Anointing at 661-296-3180 ext. 7905. For sacramental emergencies outside of normal office hours, such as serious illness or death, call our Sacramental Hotline at 661-586-0372.